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Erasmus+ Group 2 to Nice

Recently Ms Fenton, Ms O’ Sullivan & Mrs Doherty travelled to Nice as part of the Erasmus + programme. They engaged in a course entitled ‘ICT and Outdoor Teaching’ with Europass Teaching Academy. Throughout the duration of the course they explored the use of technologies in outdoor learning through city trails & a visit to a zoological garden. They all visited a digital museum where they experienced augmented reality, virtual reality and holograms, exploring the benefits of ICT in learning. Classroom based activities included trying out different apps and exploring the practicalities of using technology for outdoor learning. Overall it was a very beneficial experience and they look forward to sharing their learning with staff and children 💻🌸🌳

September Assembly 🤩

🤩September Assembly! 🤩 Today we held our first assembly of the school year. All of our school gathered together for the first time to...


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